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Top 50 Innovation Twitter Sharers of 2013

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My friends over at Innovation Excellence are always hard at work writing and curating materials relevant to those of us in the Innovation space.  They compiled Top 50 Innovation Twitter Sharers of 2013. The names appear in no particular order. 


Top 50 Innovation Tweeters of 2013:

•    Paul Hobcraft (@paul4innovating)

•    Kevin McFarthing (@innovationfixer)

•    Ralph Christian Ohr (@ralph_ohr)

•    Tim Kastelle (@timkastelle)

•    Braden Kelley (@innovate

•    Greg Satell (@digitaltonto)

•    Gregg Fraley (@greggfraley)

•    Jeffrey Phillips (@ovoinnovation)

•    Nicolas Bry (@nicobry)

•    Jeffrey Baumgartner (@creativeJeffrey

•    Matthew E May (@matthewemay)

•    Stefan Lindegaard (@lindegaard)

•    Mike Brown (@brainzooming)

•    Deborah Mills-Scofield (@dscofield)

•    Shaun Coffey (@shauncoffey

•    Rowan Gibson (@rowangibson)

•    Bill Fischer (@bill_fischer)

•    Dave Gray (@davegray)

•    Drew Marshall (@drewcm)

•    Paul Sloane (@paulsloane

•    Jorge Barba (@jorgebarba)

•    Calestous Juma (@calestous)

•    JR Reagan (@ideaxplorer)

•    Cathryn Hrudicka (@creativesage)

•    Juan Cano-Arribi (@pull_innovation

•    Vincent Carbone (@insitevc)

•    Sarah Caldicott (@SarahCaldicott)

•    Eric Shaver (@ericshaver)

•    Max McKeown (@MaxMckeown)

•    Boris Pluskowski (@bpluskowski

•    Doug Collins (@innoarchitect)

•    LDRLB (@ldrlb)

•    Andrea Meyer (@andreameyer)

•    Stephen Shapiro (@stephenshapiro)

•    Marc Sniukas (@sniukas

•    Saul Kaplan (@skap5)

•    Nilofer Merchant (@nilofer)

•    Alex Osterwalder (@alexosterwalder)

•    Graham Hill (@grahamhill)

•    Jose Briones (@brioneja)     

•    Arie Goldshlager (@ariegoldshlager)

•    Scott Berkun (@berkun)

•    Julie Anixter (@julieanixter)

•    Ross Dawson (@rossdawson)

•    Ian McCarthy (@toffeemen68

•    John Hagel (@jhagel)

•    Jose Baldaia (@jabaldaia)

•    Frank Piller (@masscustom)

•    Scott Anthony (@ScottDAnthony)

•    Gary Schirr (@ProfessorGary

Bonus tweeter Jatin Desai (@jhdesai) 

The Takeaway

Innovation is a vast, ever changing field.  Keep up with some of the leading thinkers by following folks compiled in the list. 

It is your turn.  Share your wisdom.  Please comment below.

1.      Who do you follow on Twitter that is not on the list and what is their Twitter handle?

2.      Where else do you gain knowledge from Innovation thinkers?

3.      What is the most interesting piece of Innovation knowledge you have gained this month?

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good list, can somebody please invent a "follow all" button?

posted @ Thursday, September 26, 2013 4:52 PM by Jonas

Thank you Jatin for the interesting list ! 
What about "Ashoka Changemakers" (@changemakers) ?

posted @ Tuesday, October 01, 2013 8:25 AM by Andrea Vitali

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